Friday, July 3, 2015



So after 17 days of my first “real” solo travel and my first time to Asia, what I have I learned? I learned that I am stronger than I thought, that I can rough it and tough it more than I believed possible, that I love adventure, and that, in the end, it’s all about relationships. An interesting concept to ponder in a country that has seen war after war and, on the flip side, still has much self-admitted corruption. War breaks apart relationships, while corruption can bring people together based on their own needs and wants.

As I was in Vietnam during the horrific tragedy at Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, I was able to reflect a lot on the discussions I had and the people I met, who didn't look like me and who didn't act like me, but who I felt innately safe and comfortable with and who taught me so much. On this journey, I came to understand it’s the relationships that are built or that are broken which make our lives meaningful in either positive or negative ways. It’s the relationships of trusting or distrusting one another. It’s the relationship built by a simple act of kindness, smile, or fit of laughter (even if you don’t speak the same language). It’s about connecting with people over common or uncommon ground. Relationships are more important than money, education, or status. Either feeling connected or disconnected to each other can make people hurt each other or show love and kindness. In this adventure, I have come to realize, it’s all about relationships. Not always long lasting relationships, but sometimes a simple unspoken glance can help in a moment of frustration or help to celebrate a moment of joy that may otherwise have only been felt in solitude, but is so much sweeter when experienced with someone else, even a stranger. 

So kindness to our fellow people and kindness to this beautiful land we live on goes a long way, my friends. I know I am able to cultivate my own hopes, goals, and dreams, but in the end, those goals don't matter much if I haven't connected with others. I have learned that only I can choose how to act and only I can build relationships. So in the craziness and sometimes confusing moments of solo travel, I came to realize, ultimately, how I act towards people, whoever they are and wherever they are from, is truly the only thing I can control-for everything else, I must just enjoy the ride!

Please view my slideshow: Vietnam Slideshow  for pictures and videos.